
Welcome to Share-A-Table

Connecting busy professionals locally and in person with dinners designed to inspire!

What Share-A-Table gives you - is far more than just an enjoyable evening in a great restaurant...

A Share-A-Table membership takes you behind the scenes, so you can grab the city and the world in your hands while sharing a meal with world travellers and big thinkers!

Dinners designed to inspire - bringing you fresh experiences with interesting peeps who'll make your working week just that more exciting. We always meet in the best local eateries - so that's instantly social, instantly atmospheric and also always safe for women to meet and connect.

We've hosted over 200 dinners to date - creating over 3500 new connections

What people say:

"This supper club helps you connect to people just like you who have a huge appetite for life as well as great food! You’re promised to mix with great, open-minded people from everywhere. You’ll go once to try and sign up to go again, if not many many times."  
Global Marketing & Communications Director

"Thank you for bringing people together and creating happiness" 
Business & Tech Analyst

"Thanks for the fantastic evening" 

Vice President Business Development

"I'm too busy to attend most of the events - I wish I could join you for dinner in the following weeks"

Environmental Climate Researcher

"Loved the restaurant you chose, loved the food and the people were lovely!"
Interior Designer

"Put me on the list, let me know if there is a free place"

Climate Researcher, Shell

"I'm sure beautiful things will come from this"
Founder, StartUp Tech

Join now to meet, connect and thrive locally - bring something new to your social network with Share-A-Table

About us Founded by Women looking to make a difference to the everyday

Having lived across the globe - Melbourne, Sydney, Curitiba, Madrid, Barcelona London, Amsterdam - finding people you connect with takes work and a good dose of luck - yet when it happens it creates magic and an extraordinary sense of adventure. What we know and believe is ... just one connection, one serendipitous moment can create a new world of experience...

That's why we wanted to create something and package that up for you

Our main aim is you will connect with up to 7 other (new) people, and you'll be promised a lively evening, fun conversations and great food.

You'll have unexpected and new conversations (if you lean in) and tighten up your social skills so you will be confident to do this anywhere, anytime. Sure once in awhile it might be a little disagreeable, yet what Share-A-Table, we promise, it won't matter that much - as there will always be new places, new faces and new adventures!

What we try and assure you, you'll immediately feel comfortable and if you come once, you'll then come again and again! Mostly you'll walk away having enjoyed a great meal and feeling re-energized - and yes with a far better understanding of what's going on around you. The rest is up to you.

Share-A-Table is founded by women with years of experience in the corporate world until we felt driven to do something different to make a real difference.

See our latest events

Join today and discover just who'll you meet at the next Share-A-Table!

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